
Friday, March 25, 2011

The Good, the Bad, and...the Poopy?

For anyone who thinks that spiritual warfare is not real, or that it's exaggerated in order to get Christians all riled up about something, let me explain, in everyday terms, what it looks like.
It looks like a sick five-year-old getting diarrhea in his underwear because he thought it was just gas, and then proceeding to throw up while on the toilet, and then continuing to have diarrhea all morning long.
It looks like a three-year-old who can't obey anything we say the first time, and is constantly bothering her little sister and making her cry.
It looks like a one-year-old who is not happy, no matter what, and can't express herself enough to let us know what on earth is wrong.
It looks like a mom and dad who had to take semi-cold showers this morning because the water heater is broken-again.
It looks like lots of cloth diapers piling up that can't be washed until the water heater is fixed.
It looks like a husband who has to try to balance working from home today and fixing the water heater before he leaves for the weekend.
At one point this morning, while the Buddy was on the toilet, Punkin Munkin was crying for getting scolded, and Cookie was screaming for no apparent reason, my husband remarked that it was like we are under attack. I think he is absolutely right.  He is headed out tonight to go to the Freedmen Conquest with several other men from church, and in preparation, he and three friends have been fasting since Wednesday.  We are both hoping and praying for God to move in mighty ways at that event, both in his own personal life and in the lives of the other men who are attending.  I think Satan is going to try to push me to my every motherly limit today, and he hopes that at 4:00 when it's time for my husband to leave, I will beg and plead for him not to leave me with these three children....alone.  Well, he can give me his best shot, but I am confident in the power of Christ.  Even if all three kids end up on the toilet by the end of the day, I will not do or say anything to try to prevent my husband from going to this event.  I have seen firsthand how God can move in the lives of men when they are together, and I fully expect Him to show up in all His glory this weekend in Lincoln.
So again, if you are a bit of a skeptic when it comes to the whole arena of spiritual warfare, I encourage you to come spend the weekend with us, and then revisit your beliefs.  And don't forget to bring your hand sanitizer.

1 comment:

  1. Okay....why haven't you told me you were blogging? Annie, this is absolutely wonderful. I'm so proud of you for standing stronger in the face of strong opposition. Your weekend will be blessed as well, I'm quite sure. I will be praying for you at home as well as Nick and the others at the conference. <3
