
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Piethons Like To Krl Op

Yesterday I gave my son his first book report assignment. I told him to get a book that he wanted to read, and then he would have to write three sentences about it when he was done. So he picked a little board book called Good Morning, Python! This is his book report:

In case you can't read his phonetic spelling, this is what it says:

In case you still can't read it, this is what it really says:
Pythons like to curl up.
Pythons hatch out of eggs.
Pythons don't have any legs.
And then there is a picture of a python all curled up.  I like how the spelling of "python" changes from the first sentence to the next two. He looked back at the book for some ideas on what to write, and realized that he had spelled it wrong the first time.  As you can see, I am very proud of him and his first book report.  I was sad when he brought it to me all crumbled up this afternoon.  I meant to put it in a safer place before then.  Oh, well.
It's funny how little things like this make me excited to be a homeschooling mom.  I love getting to see him in action, learning and applying his new knowledge.  I love that we can just pick something that he is interested in, and then learn all about it.  After he read this book and wrote this, we got on YouTube and found some really interesting python videos.  One showed a python swallowing a deer-whole.  My main goal of homeschooling is to instill in my children a love of learning.  Judging by the amount of snake and spider videos they wanted to watch, I think we are well on our way.  Either that, or my kids just like creepy things.  I prefer to believe the former.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Gaining Some Perspective

God is so good.  Yesterday was a series of trials, and today was not without its own, but through it all, God has been faithful.  So many people were praying for my sweet boy to get feeling better, and he was, by 5:30 this morning when he "couldn't sleep."  It's probably because he slept sooooo much yesterday.  But anyway, it was a good excuse to let him come snuggle with me in bed since my hubby was gone.  The girls have stayed healthy so far, which is a good sign, and I am feeling great.  The hot water heater blew last night so we spent the day with no hot water, BUT-we had water.  I am so thankful for that.  This morning the baby got a bath in the kitchen sink.  Turns out that a tea kettle full of boiling water mixed with a sink of cold water makes just the right temperature for a bath.  :)  She wouldn't have even needed one, except for the fact that she is feeling very independent right now...which translates into, "Mama, let me feed this oatmeal to myself, and while I'm at it, I'm going to smear it all over my hair and face!  I'd like to see you clean THAT up with a cold washcloth!" 

I felt very Little House-ish...and then thought about how pathetic that was.  All I did was boil some water to  heat it instead of turning on my hot water faucet.  I have such an easy life.  Sure, I complain when my appliances don't work, and that my windows are old and don't seal well, and that the laundry never stops piling up.  But hey-that means I have appliances (that make my life easier!) and that I have windows (to keep out the elements and let in the light), and that we have enough clothing (to clothe two families).  Days like this, ones that come with an extra inconvenience, give me two choices.  I can choose to complain about how rough my life is, or I can be thankful for how easy it usually is.

When I think about my brothers and sisters in Christ who are living in poverty-by choice-to spread the Gospel around the world, I can't even complain about not having hot water.  When I think about orphans in Africa who never get a bath, or a hot meal, or any number of other conveniences I take for granted, it makes it impossible for me to feel grumpy about my own situation.

I thank God for reminding me of others who are truly in need, so that I can see how insignificant my own needs are in comparison.

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Good, the Bad, and...the Poopy?

For anyone who thinks that spiritual warfare is not real, or that it's exaggerated in order to get Christians all riled up about something, let me explain, in everyday terms, what it looks like.
It looks like a sick five-year-old getting diarrhea in his underwear because he thought it was just gas, and then proceeding to throw up while on the toilet, and then continuing to have diarrhea all morning long.
It looks like a three-year-old who can't obey anything we say the first time, and is constantly bothering her little sister and making her cry.
It looks like a one-year-old who is not happy, no matter what, and can't express herself enough to let us know what on earth is wrong.
It looks like a mom and dad who had to take semi-cold showers this morning because the water heater is broken-again.
It looks like lots of cloth diapers piling up that can't be washed until the water heater is fixed.
It looks like a husband who has to try to balance working from home today and fixing the water heater before he leaves for the weekend.
At one point this morning, while the Buddy was on the toilet, Punkin Munkin was crying for getting scolded, and Cookie was screaming for no apparent reason, my husband remarked that it was like we are under attack. I think he is absolutely right.  He is headed out tonight to go to the Freedmen Conquest with several other men from church, and in preparation, he and three friends have been fasting since Wednesday.  We are both hoping and praying for God to move in mighty ways at that event, both in his own personal life and in the lives of the other men who are attending.  I think Satan is going to try to push me to my every motherly limit today, and he hopes that at 4:00 when it's time for my husband to leave, I will beg and plead for him not to leave me with these three children....alone.  Well, he can give me his best shot, but I am confident in the power of Christ.  Even if all three kids end up on the toilet by the end of the day, I will not do or say anything to try to prevent my husband from going to this event.  I have seen firsthand how God can move in the lives of men when they are together, and I fully expect Him to show up in all His glory this weekend in Lincoln.
So again, if you are a bit of a skeptic when it comes to the whole arena of spiritual warfare, I encourage you to come spend the weekend with us, and then revisit your beliefs.  And don't forget to bring your hand sanitizer.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Happy Winds-day!

I usually don't mind the crazy weather here in western Nebraska.  In fact, I enjoy the summers a lot, because they are so dry and it gets nice and cool every night. The fall is beautiful, and this winter was pretty mild. I only have one complaint.  The wind.  It never ceases, especially in the spring.  We have some warm weather, almost summer-like, and it gets me all excited for this new season.  But then...the wind hits.  I have to bolt down the toys outside and make sure the grill is pushed all the way up against the house so that it doesn't get blown over.  My kids have to hold hands in the Wal-Mart parking lot, not for fear of traffic, but because that way they weigh more and won't blow away.  The neighbor's flags across the street are constantly standing straight out from the pole.  And my old old windows let in dust. Lots of dust.
In spite of all of that, I love Spring.  I have looked forward to this season for the past three months.  I thought winter was never going to be done.  I love the reminder of new life, new beginnings, new experiences.  The kids see everything through eyes with only five (or fewer) years of experience...and they help me to see it that way, too.  Every day Munkin Punkin has been wanting to go outside to ride her bike.  My little Buddy is loving bike rides with Papa.  And Baby Doll is old enough to realize that she loves being outdoors-and hates coming back in!
The wind has tried to throw a wrench in our springtime plans, but we are not letting it. The kids are still going outside everyday to get fresh air and exercise (and to give me some peace and quiet!), and we are still learning about and discussing the best part of spring-new life.  I hope you had a Happy Winds-day, as Pooh would say, and that you have had a chance to contemplate the newness of life that we can all have in Christ.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

God's Good Blessings

Today was a beautiful day, in every sense of the word. I got to spend it with the four people I love the most in this world: my husband and three kids.
After a long month away from worshiping at our church, I was finally able to join my brothers and sisters in song this morning. Then, it was off to teach children's church. We were blessed with 23 kids, all excited and incredibly well-behaved, which is a rare blessing.  I met another home-schooling mom who recently moved to the area with their four girls, one of whom was adopted from China. Needless to say, we had a lot to talk about and I am looking forward to (hopefully) spending more time getting to know her.
After church, the kids and I had a simple lunch of PB&J while my hubby was at a youth group sponsors meeting. Finally, we were all together again and decided to go out to enjoy the incredibly beautiful weather.  We took the kids to the park first, then hit DQ, Wal-Mart for new bikes, and then the disc golf park.  They didn't have any the right size for our Buddy, but Munkin Punkin got a new bike just her size, and was so excited about it that she had to ride it even more after supper.  Needless to say, she conked out as soon as her head hit the pillow.
As I was sitting on my couch tonight, enjoying my laptop, snacks, and iced tea, it occurred to me how blessed my life is. I was thinking about the people in Japan, less than one percent of whom know Jesus, and it made my heart ache for them. Not only because I was sitting there enjoying every physical comfort, but because I have the peace of mind that comes from knowing the One who is in control.  As I reflect on my beautiful day, it drives me to ask myself, "Did I do anything to teach my children that life is more than fun times, ice cream, and new toys? Did I in any way communicate that, no matter what happens-earthquakes, tragedies, loss of any sort-that it's all going to be okay?" Because, in the end, "we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28)  Even if we can't see the good, or understand how it could possibly be good, it is. Because God said so. I am so thankful for that, and also for the good that I CAN see in my life.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

It is Well With my Soul

I have always loved to sing to my children. When my little Buddy was a baby, I would rock him to sleep every night and sing him a song. It was usually Amazing Grace.  My Punkin Munkin wants me to sing Be Thou My Vision every single night when I tuck her in. I'm sure I could sing it in my sleep. And my baby girl loves anything that I sing.  It is a great way to immediately calm calm both of us, actually.

I like singing hymns the most.  I have such fond memories of singing hymns in church when I was a child.  I grew up in Baptist churches and hymns were pretty much the only songs we sung.  I guess I want to share that part of my childhood with my kids, because we don't often sing hymns in church anymore.  When we do, and my five-year-old can belt out the lyrics without even looking at the screen, I feel like I've succeeded in passing down that part of my Christian heritage.

There is just something about seeing my three year old sing Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing. It centers me and reminds me that there is still innocence in the world.  It makes me think, just for a moment, that maybe we are doing at least one thing right as parents.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Overall Bib

This was my afternoon project...a friend is expecting a baby girl and her shower is tomorrow.  I am so thankful for this fast, cute pattern! I have used it lots in the past few months for friends' baby shower gifts. It will get a lot of use in the coming months as well, because I have seven (7!) friends expecting babies between now and October. And that's just what I could count off the top of my head.

Having a Go

My kids love to watch Kipper. In case you're not familiar with that particular show, it's a cartoon about a little dog and his friends. It originated in Britain, so they have some different sayings than we do here in the States. One of them that my children use all the time is "Let me have a go at it!"  It cracks me up every time I hear them say it.  However, it seemed appropriate here. Today, I am doing something that I have long desired to do...okay, maybe just since I got addicted to Google Reader and the endless possibilities it provided...I am starting my own blog.
I have been thinking about trying this for a while now, and decided that even if nobody else ever reads it, it would still be worth my time.  At least I will have some of my crazy life recorded somewhere, so that tomorrow, when I forget what I did today, I can look at my blog and remember. This is the plan, anyway. We'll see how it pans out.
Thanks for stopping by! Hopefully you'll come back and have a laugh at the craziness that is my life.