
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Piethons Like To Krl Op

Yesterday I gave my son his first book report assignment. I told him to get a book that he wanted to read, and then he would have to write three sentences about it when he was done. So he picked a little board book called Good Morning, Python! This is his book report:

In case you can't read his phonetic spelling, this is what it says:

In case you still can't read it, this is what it really says:
Pythons like to curl up.
Pythons hatch out of eggs.
Pythons don't have any legs.
And then there is a picture of a python all curled up.  I like how the spelling of "python" changes from the first sentence to the next two. He looked back at the book for some ideas on what to write, and realized that he had spelled it wrong the first time.  As you can see, I am very proud of him and his first book report.  I was sad when he brought it to me all crumbled up this afternoon.  I meant to put it in a safer place before then.  Oh, well.
It's funny how little things like this make me excited to be a homeschooling mom.  I love getting to see him in action, learning and applying his new knowledge.  I love that we can just pick something that he is interested in, and then learn all about it.  After he read this book and wrote this, we got on YouTube and found some really interesting python videos.  One showed a python swallowing a deer-whole.  My main goal of homeschooling is to instill in my children a love of learning.  Judging by the amount of snake and spider videos they wanted to watch, I think we are well on our way.  Either that, or my kids just like creepy things.  I prefer to believe the former.


  1. Just wonderful. I do think he'll be a great writer, he certainly is off to a great start. Kudos from Mimi.
