
Monday, June 27, 2011

Just Us Girls

I found out yesterday (Sunday) that it is not a good idea to take a toddler to a movie.  Especially right after her nap.  Especially when it's 90+ degrees outside and you have to stand in line out of the theater because there are so many people there.  And especially, especially not when she has no concept of being quiet so that other people can watch the movie. 

Oh well, we tried.  I thought it would be a good idea to take little Cookie to see Cars 2 at our local theater.  They were having a special 4:00 matinee, and I figured that we would be all rested up from naps and ready to roll.  Well, at 3:30 she was still sleeping, so I went to check on her and I think I accidentally woke her up before she was ready to be awake. Oops.  You'd think I was a rookie with a mistake like that.  Stupid creaky old doors.  We hurried up and put some snacks and drinks in a big purse, changed her diaper, and rushed out the door...into the heat.  Ugh.  Western Nebraska can sure get hot in the summer!  We drove by the theater and the line was out the door.  I was hoping we would get in...and we finally did, with only ten minutes to showtime.  That wouldn't have been a problem, but then they gave us these free drink bottles that they were filling for no charge at the concession counter...and even though I brought drinks, who can pass up free Dr. Pepper?!  So by the time we stood in line for the movie and our free drinks, we had missed the fun short movie at the beginning and could barely find a seat.  I don't think I have ever seen anyone move as slowly as the people behind that counter.  Seriously, folks, you're just filling drinks and dishing up popcorn, with an occasional candy thrown in.  It's not that hard. 

Sorry. Can you tell that I was more than a little annoyed? 

Anyway, then, it was so dark in the theater that I just stood near the back trying to let my eyes adjust when a kind lady told me there was a seat at the end of her row.  Luckily, it was the very back of the theater, so when we did have to get up and leave, we didn't disturb a bunch of people. 

Cookie was super good for the first twenty minutes or so.  She was loving the fruit punch in her drink bottle, and sat quietly eating popcorn and drinking her drink.  Then she decided she needed to get up and move around...all over my nine-month-pregnant belly.  Ouch.  Not fun for mama.  After about twenty more minutes of her trying to have her own way, I decided we had better leave.  The lady in front of me kept turning around and looking at me.  I wanted to ask her, "Hey, all these 8 year old boys with you...weren't they toddlers once? Don't you remember?"  But I didn't.  I just left instead. 

Cookie was extremely crabby for the rest of the night, and I put her in bed at 7:30.  It was gloriously quiet for the rest of the evening.  I watched another lame chick flick that shouldn't have made me cry, but with my hormone-induced moods, I cry at just about everything these days. 

I went to bed missing my hubby and kids, ready to sleep off the day and try again tomorrow. 

Now it's tomorrow, and I'm ready for the potty training to be done.  We've only been at it for five hours now.  *sigh*

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